Sunday, 20 March 2016

Know the value of coins

Chillaro mei jab tak na ho sawari tab tak noto mei tairne ka maza nahi ata

Translated(English): You would cherish your ocean of wealth only if ever in the past you had a rough ride having just coins in your wallet


Sunday, 6 March 2016

Managers can be friendly but they can never be friends

Managers can be friendly but they can never be friends

Never get personal with your manager or i would say avoid getting personal with your manager be it sharing your personal life/relationships/family matter. Don't even tell him that you are an alcoholic because he/she will keep everything in his/her mind and that data will be used for your evaluation and you might face a suffering then.

#Managers #Corporates #ManagersAsFriends

Sunday, 21 February 2016

Tears to read

I do like seeing tears in your eyes but I dont want them to fall.

#EmotionalQuotes #Tears

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

What an Idea Sirjee!

"No idea!" sounds  negative
"Get idea!" sounds rude
say "Let's Google!".... sounds hopeful...

#Idea #Google

Sunday, 31 January 2016

Business Mind

If you think from the customer's perspective then you really are a matured Professional.


Monday, 25 January 2016

Romance Quotes

Someone in the crowd said "Heaven is a place on earth!" and i started looking for you.

#LoveQuotes #HeavenOnEarth