Traffic and Mumbai. Traffic and Delhi. The road Traffic has formed an integral part of our lives. Its not just in Mumbai and Delhi but in many metro cities and crowded places. Its like we have accepted road traffic as we accept 1 of our family members after a long time. Neither we as citizens nor the Government who has power are trying to come up with solutions to tackle this Road traffic problem.
My home is just 12 kms away from my workplace but can you imagine how much time it takes me to reach my office during peak hours? it takes 1.5 - 2 hrs. When not in peak hours lets say i am travelling early morning with open roads at around 6am it takes me only 1 hr to reach office. So traffic is thus killing my average 40 mins daily(1 side). And we are ok with it because nowadays people like spending time in buses, rickshaw by watching movies, etc on their phones.
You can see a BEST bus which has a capacity of around 65 is loaded with 90+ passengers and on the other side you will see an 8 seater car with only 1 person inside it. Same goes for 6 seater and 4 seater cars and Rickshaws. There are 10 rickshaws on the road so total capacity is 30 but you will see only 1 passenger in each rickshaw. Here those 7 seats in the 8 seaters are empty but the car is occupying that much space on the road. same goes for 6 seater and 4 seater cars. Same goes for the rickshaws as well.
With Petrol prices touching as high as Rs 90/litre. Government, if they can come up with something as complex as GST which was initially a harassment but lately people benefitted from it, the same way they can come up with a structured pricing strategy for petrol prices.
They can keep the prices as below
Public Transport: Rs 60/litre
Rickshaws: Rs 100/litre
Scooters: Rs 150/litre
Motor bikes: Rs 200/litre
4 seater cars: Rs 250/litre
6 seater cars: Rs 300/litre
8 seater cars: Rs 350/litre
Higher amounts for those who have their own vehicles as they are occupying the extra space on the roads which is indirectly contributing to more traffic and eating up time of people everyday. If they can afford an 8 seater they can also pay Rs350/litre but yes if someone goes to a buy a new seater he might think 10 times before buying it as petrol prices would just kill his/her bank accounts.
Scooters and Motor bikes do give an efficient mileage so Rs 150 and Rs 200 shouldn’t be a big deal for them. People use heavy bikes like Bajaj Avenger and Royal Enfield which are not less than the size of a Rickshaw thus contributing more traffic in peak hours.
Common man will think twice before buying a scooter or a bike or a car and therefore there will be lesser vehicles on the road and thus lesser traffic. Less traffic means people like me will be able to save some time which we lose hearing motor honks at the traffic signal.
We live in a country where everybody criticizes but nobody wants to take an initiative. People can start using share autos rather travelling 1 person in 1 rickshaw. Government can enforce a rule to allow only share autos and no 1 person per auto.
Traffic in crowded places is 1 of the unspoken problems of our country which is increasing day by day because everybody wants to buy a car for their family. Nobody wants to take the public transport because they think public transport will make their status look ‘Poor’ in the society.
This was my solution to lower road traffic. Thanks for reading. Pass on the message.
#MumbaiRoadTraffic #DelhiRoadTraffic #BusyStreets #TrafficSignal #IndianMetroCities #PetrolPrices