Now this blog is going to sound a little unconventional, crazy and controversial and maybe a little uncomforting as well.
Ok so since you have decided to read this blog, lets start!
You must have heard the 'Right to Sexuality' i.e everyone is free to express their real sexuality or adopted or transformed sexuality. But have you ever wondered about the 'Right to Sex'? or have you even thought about such thing?
Section 497 is scrapped now which means in the future, there are going to be more adultery commits by husbands and wives. As per Indian culture this is immoral. In a country where culture comes 1st for the most, adultery is not a crime now but prostitution is illegal.
Don't get confused by 'RIGHT TO SEX' as demanding sex from anybody! its not that.
Just like 'Right to speech' doesn't mean you say anything anywhere to anybody.
Sex is undeniably the 4th basic need of life after food, clothing and shelter. If God gave humans Penises and Vaginas that means God wanted humans to have sex just like other animals. But with time, humans have manipulated the laws of nature in such a way that even God feels cheated and wow! Wow because we have maintained the healthy emotional relationship with our mother-sisters-daughters and Father-brother-sons. Cheated because of demand and supply. Boys want to have sex with the hottest girl in the class but then what about the other girls? Girls want to have sex with the most handsome guy in the other class but then what about the other guys? The preferences and priorities have built a very deep discrimination which nobody wants to talk about.
People say, Sex should be earned just like money. Money is earned. But the thing is Money was not created by God but God did want humans to have sex that's why he gave us the sex organ systems.
The Racism Factor: Dark complexion men and women are often not given any consideration by their desired choice partners.
Late maturity factor: The development of sex organ system in one's body is sometimes not in sync with the mind's development which causes late realization.
Luxury bias: Men with bikes, cars and money in the wallet are preferred ones by women.
18 - 25 is the peak period where human bodies are burning to have sex. But ignorance from the other gender, lack of interaction with the other gender, Friends of a male/female injecting wrong information about the other person, Not having 'good looks' which in Indian society is the racist factor are some of the reasons this age range gets wasted.
Then till late 20s, the organs start witnessing a change. If a person has not had sex yet; human bodies in both cases are not performing well at their jobs, loss of concentration, getting angry on small reasons, depression, loneliness, frustrations start piling up almost every day. These are the people who do not get a tinder match. Opposite sexes do not show any interest.
What people say?
People say 'Get married' but Marriage is not the solution for sex. But yes it will wipe away the loneliness and other stress problems as one will be busy discovering things about the other so arrange marriage becomes a kind of adventure atleast in early 3-4 years. But marriage needs financial and emotional stability. One not having good amount of money, healthy relations with society, good family history are never the preferred choices even if he/she has good emotional stability.
Average age of Men losing their virginity in India: 22
Average age of Women losing their virginity in India : 21
But nowadays everyone is heard saying 'I want to focus on my career. Marriage is a thing of 30s' These idiots have built up a new trend of getting married not before 28 because they are getting a constant to good supply of sex.
What Friends/acquaintances say?
They term the 'Virgins' as 'Losers' which is quite annoying. We are in an era where girls don't want people to know that they ever had an affair with anybody and boys are ashamed to be virgins.
Elders react as if something like sex doesn't exist in India and babies are god's gifts sent on earth.
The incels they keep masturbating till late 20s. Masturbation is nothing but cheating your sex organs. And average person if starts masturbation at 14-15 years of age then by early 20s there is a heavy demand by the body for sex. And during this peak period if it does not receive what it wants then by late 20s the system assumes that it will never receive what it wants. And when it receives in the 30s the organ is not that awesomely capable as it was 10-12 years ago.
Guys/Girls who start having sex at an early age of 19-20 years tend to have a good sex life throughout their system's tenure. People who get sex in late 20s and early 30s they can never be as good as the one in case 1. This can still be beaten by maintaining a good diet and avoiding sugar completely. Physical training can improve stamina and thus the blood flow will be enhanced. A good lower body is a must because foundation is the one on which you will lay your hopes.
Government should realize the fact that sex is the 4th basic need and men and women both should get an economic distribution of sex. As 'sexlessness' in a person causes a decrease in his/her performance at workplace and government should be worried about the country's GDP. If Adultery is not a crime then prostitution should also be made legal.
#Adultery #RightToSex #IndianGovernment #Section497 #Prostitution