Friday, 23 November 2018

Adultery is a Crime!

Months back, Indian Government scrapped section 497 which means a husband having sex with someone else's wife or a wife having sex with someone else's husband is not a criminal offence and the only thing an unhappy spouse can opt for is a divorce. We talk a lot about culture in India. Culturally and mentally this is a crime. Suppose if a husband is committing adultery and his wife comes to know she will be under a mental shock. Even if she opts for a divorce what explanation will the children get tomorrow? Scrapping this law will just make more instances of men commiting adultery. Previously the law was unfair for men as women commiting adultery were not considered as criminals. Even women commit adultery. Even husbands of these females get mental shocks. Men even get mentally harassed if they raise their voices because they fear that his wife will take away half the wealth he has earned in his lifetime in just a second.

Supreme Court could have instead made the law stronger by adding men and women both who are spouses and commit adultery both should be considered as criminals. I agree that adultery is not harming anybody physically or not causing any violence but the amount of mental shocks, frustrations, stress, depression, suicidal attempts by the other spouse will increase with time and that's why this is a crime. What if the husband comes to know his wife cheating on him and what if he is not able to handle it? What if he kills his wife or commits suicide? As he is not going to get justice in court. Society will anyway speak shit like 'He wasn't able to satisfy her thats why she was having an affair with some outsider' or something like 'She is a bitch!' or something like 'Husband gay toh nahi?'

Why adultery is committed?
1. Partners not enjoying each others company,
2. One's sexual desires are higher than the other,
3. One is not able to sexually satisfy the other,
4. One is not finding the other attractive,
5. One has gained a lot of weight so the sex is not enjoyable anymore,
6. One getting attention from the external male/female who is quite an attractive one or is rich,
7. One is not able to satisfy the luxury demands of other,
8. One doesn't have enough money to spend on the other,
9. Assumptions that the other is cheating,
10. Constant fights, etc

How spouses can solve these problems rather commiting adultery?
1. With time, it does become boring but try to find ways to make each other happy. One always has good sides. Focus on your good sides and get topics to talk about. You will start enjoying each other's company.
2. & 3. Talk about it to each other. Discuss what is going wrong. Join yoga classes or build physical strength
4. With age, looks are going to diminish. And with your aging marriage spouses must start getting attracted to each other not by their looks but for what kind of a person their spouse is.
5. Undergo Weight loss programs.
6. Have some principles
7. Talk about it to each other. Luxury items are anyways over-rated.
8. Be the smart spouse. Surprise your spouse not just on birthdays, anniversaries and festivals but also on unexpected days. Gifts, Roses or anything that is a little cheesy with some Romance.
9. Talk about it. Develop trust. Be open for any questions.
10. Stop being the agressor when the reasons are silly or not worth fighting. Be passive agressive when the other is at fault. Passive agression makes the other one realize his/her wrong doings.

#Adultery #Section497 #SupremeCourt

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