Say for eg. a boy is walking on the road and a girl is coming from the opposite direction. The boy doesn’t know the girl and the girl doesn’t know the boy. Lets look here from the boy’s perspective. What the boy will see is the girls's physique i.e the girl’s figure or how good looking face she has or how pretty she looks in that dress.
Falling for this girl and saying ‘Love at 1st sight’ is the love for the girl’s physique, her body and not what she actually is.
Girls are termed as “hot” if they have a good figure or a fair skin tone(In India) or a good dressing sense.
In India ‘hot girls’ are termed as “item” or “maal” to which all girls are not very comfortable with.
Let me decode the logic here why hot girls are referred as “item” or “maal”
1. Item → Whenever there is something in demand in the market and people are ready to pay huge amounts eg. Onions during Shortage, salt during crisis, Salman Khan in Bollywood and Virat Kohli in Cricket. They are termed as ‘things worth running for’ aka ‘items’ which means if you get them then you get your share of benefits you desire. In short what is in demand sells like a hot cake. It might stay in the market for a short while or a long time.
Relation: A girl is termed hot when she is in the age range of 15–30 years. Afer 30, her maintenance will be costly for her to stay in the market. Their peak demand is witnessed in the age range 18–24 years. Boys start running for them and do all sorts of crazy stuff to woo them and impress them and win the Mr. Boyfriend title. The boyfriend gets his share of benefits which might be long night chat sessions, beach walks, romance on the rocks, candle light dinners, sex, etc Yes girls have a lot of heat within than boys and that's why they start dating at an age as early as 15
Used in sentences like 'kya item hai yaar' - 'item' also means a dumb thing. Good looks and good brains don't always go hand in hand and that's why people assume the word 'item' for dumbs(mostly for girls)
2. Maal → This Term is derived more out of a sexual desire relating to a girl's physical assets. 'Maal' is basically a word used as a substitute for drugs, ganja, alcohol, etc So its very clear that maal is something that gives you some kind of pleasure. In case of drugs, they manipulate the brain to give you a false pleasure. In terms of girls, 'maal' means something that is of high potential in giving good sexual pleasure i.e girls with good attractive looking bodies.
Or you can take 'Maal' in a positive way as well.
Maal is also termed as ‘money’ and in Indian society, Girls when get married are often termed as ‘Ghar ki Laxmi’ which means the new bride will bring wealth to the house(not Dahej) once she steps in the house. ‘Laxmi’ is termed as ‘money’ and thus Maal is also not a bad word for hot females.
#IndianGirls #Maal #Item #Patakha #HotFemales