“Logan Paul vlogged a dead body” and the internet took by storm!
Many celebrities, politicians and Roasters criticised the fact or i would say spoke negatively for Logan Paul’s dead body vlog. I agree it was completely unprofessional but do you know that he is just a 22 year old?
If you check his Youtube channel description, you will see ’22 year old kid in Hollywood making crazy vlogs’
That’s my point. He is still a kid and a crazy kid. That craziness has given him 15 million+ subscribers, billions of views and made him an internet celebrity.
Secondly, he has spent his late teen years and early Vine and Youtube career with his other Youtuber mates as roommates so he has not got that much of a parental guidance during his important years.
Thirdly, he is a youtuber and content creators are always looking for some fresh content. I would say they are hungry for content.
Now, after uploading 500+ videos you would either expect him to be a highly professional youtuber but this mistake of vlogging a dead body was about to come from someone or the other and it came from Logan Paul. Can we expect not a single major mistake from 500+ videos?
Now was it not his team’s responsibility to stop him from shooting a dead body’s video? Or were they immature like Logan Paul? Will google take action against all those 600k+ accounts who liked the dead body vlog?
Logan Paul’s channel is no more a google preferred. All his upcoming projects with youtube are either terminated or on hold. Its a major punishment for Logan.
He has deleted that vlog and has given a written and a video apology. Youtubers like PewDiePie roasted Logan Paul for his unprofessionalism but sitting in front of some machines and roasting others is easy.
Even Youtube is under pressure to punish Logan Paul and it will be tough for them to understand and accept his apology and give him a 2nd chance or unhold his future projects. You never know what will happen to his Youtube channel? They can delete his channel.
Some days back Logan tweeted saying ‘Taking time to reflect. No vlogs as of now”. Can you think what a person is going through his mind and body who has vlogged 500+ videos in 500+ days and suddenly its 2 weeks of silence due to 1 mistake?
Personally speaking, I am not a Logan Paul fan nor do i watch his daily vlogs but he shouldn’t be punished so badly. He is still growing up and he is just a kid. He deserves a 2nd chance.
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