By reading the title you might have got many questions in your head!
But yes, its a harsh fact that you really cant be a part time youtuber. Youtube doesn’t say so but it most likely means the same.
In the past few years, there were many channels created on Youtube. Many channels where copied content were uploaded which use to cause losses to the original makers. Many channels uploaded inappropriate content like there are many channels which feature kids and the videos are not suitable for the advertisers to choose from the list of videos on which they want to play their ads on.
Previously, the moment you created your channel you could monetize your videos and ads would appear and in the subsequent months you would earn some money but in Apr-17, Youtube came up with a 10,000 views threshold on the channel to be eligible for monetizing your videos. Youtube basically didn’t want the fake, inappropriate, abusive and unoriginal content featuring channels to become Youtube partners but 10k views was not a big barrier and it didn’t prevent them from stopping. Since Jio’s inception in India, Youtube witnessed a lot of humongous number of new channels which crossed 10k views and they hardly earned $100 in 1 year. Many of those channels earned just $2–2.5 every month.
Advertisers boycotted Youtube in 2017 as they saw many of their ads were being played on inappropriate videos and channels that had a very low traffic.
Since Advertisers are more important for the Youtube business, Youtube has now come up with a new rule that new channels should have 1000 subscribers minimum and in the past 12 months the channel should have 4000hrs of watch time just to be eligible for monetization.
4000hrs makes it 2,40,000 minutes of watch time. Now say if the average video retention period is 1 minute on your channel, then you must cross 2,40,000+ views in the past 12 months.
Its not like you accumulate 1 lifetime 4000hrs of watch time in 2 or 3 years and you can apply for monetisation. They will check the watch time for past 12 months. Not a worry for the big youtubers as they get these many videos from their single video itself.
Even if you become eligible for monetisation and your monetisation turns on, you are not yet safe. You will still have to generate 4000hrs of watch time every subsequent 12 months to keep your videos monetised. And if you dont achieve this, Youtube will turn off your monetisation and the reason being low traffic. Beware as you cannot use bots to generate watch time as you cant cheat Youtube. They will detect it some day soon and your channel will be deleted from youtube.
So its a big gamble. This rule will take down the small channels and also will demotivate new creators on the platform.
If you are planning for a part time youtube career, you are risking your time because its not as easy as creating videos in free time and upload. Its not as easy as ‘You need that 1 video that goes viral’ and gives your channel a shoot up. Its more about how you play by the Youtube rules, policies, copyright issues, community guidelines. And all this managing in part time is near to impossible.
I am not demotivating you but yes you can give it a try :)
#Youtube #NewRule #Monetization #Videos #Patience #parttime #400k #1000 #Subscribers #Watchtime
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